Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
"How to solve math "- This seemingly simple question has plagued countless generations of parents and children. Solving math questions can be difficult, but what makes it worse is if a child has no interest in the subject. To encourage a child to learn math, we must help him or her to develop interest.
Young children are drawn to things that are colourful and interactive. Parents should make full use of such instincts to push math-related games to them. To your kids, math games are games, not math. There are plenty of free math games and apps available to let your kids enjoy the fun of math, and a good math game will layer in incentives and different levels of difficulty to attract the child.
If traditional assessment books are not working for your child, it is time to consider using math games. While games may seem less educational, they will be much more effective for your child’s learning because they arouse an interest in the subject – which is the first step towards independent and active learning.
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
Interesting mathematics
We count
Math is at play in every sphere of our lives, from recipes to internet security to the electoral college. But that reality can be hard to convey through the drills, static numbers and strict rules that make up so much of K-12 math education. Educators have made strides to engage students through math. One way to bring the subject to life, according to a math research organization, is through literature.
“Mathematics is very creative and playful and joyful,” says Kirsten Bohl, a spokeswoman for the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. “Books connect with that sense of wonder and imagination and creativity.”
To spotlight such books, MSRI created the Mathical Book Prize in 2015. Each year a panel of librarians, teachers, mathematicians and early childhood experts selects winners and honor books in five age categories. This year’s picks brings the full Mathical list to more than 50 titles that cross genres and formats, including picture books, graphic novels, biographies, and young adult novels.
What matters most, according to Jordan Ellenberg, co-chair of the selection committee, is that the books succeed in communicating mathematical ideas or problems and also succeed as great books.
“Anybody can stick a lot of math in a book,” says Ellenberg, a University of Wisconsin professor of math who also holds a master’s degree in creative writing. “If it’s a bad book, it’s not going to interest kids.”
The committee also looks for books touching on a range of interests. “A lot of kids don’t think of themselves as math people, but the intention of the award is to help kids understand that math is for everybody,” says Bohl.
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
Vacations are a great time. Particularly autumn when the nature enchants its colors. And this is especially striking when you travel. Therefore, for this period, we planned for a trip by such countries as Poland, Germany, France. Visited cities such as Leipzig, Dresden, Cracow, Paris. Study of language, history, culture, technology.
Vacations are a great time - Dresden.
Vacations are a great time - Krakow
Vacations are a great time - Paris
Vacations are a great time - Poland
Vacations are a great time - Leipzig
Vacations are a great time - Dresden Art Gallery - Hall of Physics and Mathematics
Vacations are a great time - Dresden Art Gallery - Hall of Porcelain
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
We love math.
We like to play math games at the lessons.
We love to create interesting stories.
Read our comics that we've created for you
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
Love math - study, draw, play.
Create drawings of geometric shapes
Interesting mathematics
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
Materials for the project on math
The work of the 6th grade students: Oleksyuk I., Slobodian H., Trakalo A., Chokan S., Nikolaichuk L., Osadchuk D.
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes.
The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap.
Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
My country is Ukraine, my city is Zalishchyky, my school is a Zalishchyky State Gimnasia
Mathematical game for comparison

We play math games
Communication between partners
9 May eTwinning Day.
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