Thank you all - We are a great team!

It has been a European and  wonderful experience!!!! Thanks to the collaboration and hard work from all members.
Everyone could see the presentation of 2nd Kindergarten of Plagiari,Greece, on blog:

The presentation of this project to parents and to other teachers of our school

And om my youtube channel


Ćwiczymy dodawanie i odejmowanie 3 liczb w zakresie 100. Zaprogramowaliśmy tak robota, aby wybierał dla nas 3 dowolne liczby.
We practice adding and subtracting 3 numbers in the range of 100. We have programmed the robot to choose 3 arbitrary numbers for us.

Świnki - skarbonki. Pigs - money boxes.


Grafy i kostki. Graphs and cubes.


Matematyczne muchy. Mathematical flies.



Dear partners, for all the months of our cooperation we have placed mathematical materials in the tab on our class website, which you are welcome to And the most important information from the project on the school website and the blog Everyone could see our work in the project. Children are happy to be able to show how they learn and play with math. We thank all our partners.



Varsak Sakarya Ortaokulu Antalya/ Turkey Bring happiness to 2017 with pleasurable projects


When children count, they basically learn numbers as a kind of "continuum" that goes on and on.  With simple counting your child might not catch on to the inherent structure of our number system, and how it is built with groups of tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.
Use empty coffee capsules and plastic glasses . Place a pile of them on a table and show that it is easier to count them in groups of ten. First make groups of ten, then count the ten-groups and the individual beans separately. Say, "I have here five ten-groups, and four individual coffee capsules."
A counting game for place value In the game, each player adds one more counting object to the common pile on the table, and says the amount of total objects in a broken-down form. For example, eleven is said as "ten and one", twelve is said as "ten and two", twenty is "two tens", twenty-five is "two tens and five", and so on.
Whenever a whole ten is fulfilled, those ten coffee caps are bundled together into a bag.
Continue in a similar way. Take a different amount of coffee caps. Group them into groups of tens (and some left-overs). Count the ten-groups and the ones separately.
As you are doing that, you can introduce the words twenty, thirty, forty, etc.
