Basic math and number concepts utilized in a preschool or kindergarten
classroom set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts.
Early exposure to math and number activities will promote your students
comfort with these skills. Also, additional opportunities to practice
these skills will increase your child’s confidence when working with
math and number concepts and will lead him to believe he is “good at
math.” If your student does not become comfortable with math and number
concepts at a young age, he will lack confidence in his abilities and
may become hesitant as more advanced math concepts are introduced.The
first step in Math and Number Awareness is learning what the 10 numerals
(0 through 9) look like Children in the classroom may be asked to “Cut
out five circles,” “Pick three friends,” or “Ask one question,” for
example. Understanding the significance of numerals will directly
contribute to a child’s success in the classroom.“Counting on” allows a
child to continue counting objects added to a previously counted group
without recounting the entire groupCounting on is an important skill
because it is time-consuming and impractical to recount a group of items
each time additional pieces are added.